Food Delivery
To order, please call the restaurant: 722 368 441
(It is possible to order the food and pick it up yourself)
Now, no DELIVERY FEE for delivery!
Delivery: Tuesday - Sunday, 11:00 - 21:15
(You can also find us on Dáme Jídlo, and on Wolt, and on Bolt Food)
Please, if it is possible, order through the restaurant, thank you very much.
Minimum delivery price 390 Kč
Delivery time is around 30-70 minutes.
The delivery can be paid both in cash or by card, but if you would like to pay by card, you must inform the restaurant in advance. (We do not take food coupons on delivery orders).
Tuesday - Friday until 14:00, you can order the Lunch Menu.
You can also order a Thai Beer (glass). Chang/Singha via Drink Menu.
We package the food with big care into good-quality plastic boxes so the food would arrive in the best quality. (Price: 15 Kč per box)